"If a lot of people love each other, the world would be a better place to live."
-Johnny, 2003
They should've called this movie Depression Overload.
Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined a big-budgeted American Showa-era Godzilla/Kong film to become a reality, but here we are! Fully and unapologetically embraces the sillier aspects of the kaiju fighting genre. If they would've interjected aliens into some aspect of the plot, this movie would've been a 5/5. Alas, there's always next time.
Kind of a big, audacious, bold, impressive failure of a movie. Everything feels entirely half-baked, especially Rita who has to be one of the most underwritten characters I've seen in quite some time. Some good stuff sprinkled throughout, but not enough to label this film a success. Very disappointing.