Matt Corr

Matt Corr

Favorite films

  • 1917
  • Stand by Me
  • Mrs. Doubtfire
  • Titanic

Recent activity

  • Men in Black


  • Collateral


  • Y2K


  • Time Cut


Recent reviews

  • The Monkey

    The Monkey


    So much gory fun!

  • Ghost



    Saw this in a theater for the 35th anniversary and it was perfect in every way.

Popular reviews

  • Peter Pan

    Peter Pan


    Some quick thoughts as this was a rewatch.

    - I LOVE this movie! Not only is it very nostalgic for me, but It's just such a wonderful, vibrantly colorful, exciting adaptation. It's the classic story, which is what it should be and needs to be to work.
    - The score by James Newton Howard is what dreams are made of. The music throughout is just breathtakingly beautiful. Go listen to the track "Flying" right now! And don't even get me…

  • Green Book

    Green Book


    I just moved so I’ve been seriously slacking on my movie watching but also my Oscar nominee watching. Luckily I had already seen most of the best pictures noms, but I still had a few to knock off the list. So I started with Green Book

    For some reason I was not expecting to like this as much as I did. It really was this charming buddy comedy that I didn’t expect. The story follows a man named Tony in…