

Favorite films

  • Ravenous
  • My Own Private Idaho
  • Under the Tuscan Sun
  • 10 Things I Hate About You

Recent activity

  • Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy


  • Ravenous


  • Meshes of the Afternoon


  • Cowboy Dave


Recent reviews

  • Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy

    Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy


    When my life flashes before my eyes I don't think it will include sodomy at Sainsbury's, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

  • Ravenous



    Hi, third time round...

    I just know when Ted Griffin wrote,

    "...George, people don't still do that [cannibalism], do they?"
    "White man eats the body of Jesus Christ every Sunday."

    he came so hard he saw stars that form a constellation only he can see.

    And if you think this is too crude a review, just know morality is the last bastion of a coward ✌

Popular reviews

  • Meshes of the Afternoon

    Meshes of the Afternoon


    Who dropped my flower? Can I have it back?

    In the face of desire, I see me. Destroy that mirror, subsume the shards and sink back into myself, sharp and bright.

    Space and time assembled like Jenga, toppling over and precariously built again and again and-

  • The Imitation Game

    The Imitation Game


    Off to Bletchley tomorrow, rewatch number (unquantifiable). Embedded in my core, ever teary eyed.

    "... seek and you will find, Matthew 7:7, that was the code."

    "... it doesn't know what its searching for. If only we knew what the messages were going to say."

    "Sometimes it is the very people no one expects anything of that do the things no one can imagine."

    We all expect to find something in our search. Search for what? Perhaps it is better…
