

Favorite films

  • Faces Places
  • Y Tu Mamá También
  • Before Midnight
  • Stop Making Sense

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  • Bound


  • West Indies: The Fugitive Slaves of Liberty


  • A Woman Under the Influence


Recent reviews

  • Stop Making Sense

    Stop Making Sense


    Nothing to do with the movie but how did David kinda avoid twink death like that

    (the answer btw is that he gave all his twink dying to Jerry Harrison who unfortunately did die twink death extra strong, poor Jerry 😞)

  • D.E.B.S.



    It’s really impressive just how well this thing is able to balance the campier aspects of the film with its more genuine moments of sincere emotion. Allowing an audience to not only indulge in something super clever and funny that revels in the y2k teen comedy tropes it lovingly pokes fun at but also fully connect to a really cool and quite cute queer love story. 

    (Was also really nice to get a q&a with the writer/director Angela Robinson afterwards, who seems super fun and talked really nicely about trying to make a queer film as a young filmmaker within a studio system)

Popular reviews

  • Poor Things

    Poor Things


    Hate to be cringe and bring up Wes
    Anderson, but I think in a lot of ways this is like Lanthimos's Grand Budapest

    It's the ultimate form of what his style has become and the perfect combination of everything he does so well, which obviously leads to this movie being incredibly well done, with Yorgos mixing great performances, immaculate production design and cinematography, that amazing score and a really witty screenplay to create (what will probably become) a modern classic. …

  • Solo



    Although slightly contrived and shallow at points, I think this is a pretty cool queer story and credit especially has to be given to the way this film incorporates drag into its narrative and visual storytelling. 

    Credit however should not be given to whoever at Tiff let the old white (probably straight) bald man present the q&a after the screening. Homie was on about how Ru Paul was the one who brought fierce into the drag lexicon 🤪 and literally…