Michael Haigis

Michael Haigis Patron

Favorite films

  • The Long Good Friday
  • American Gigolo
  • Thief
  • RoboCop

Recent activity

  • Miami Vice


  • Boogie Nights


  • Blackhat


  • Heat


Recent reviews

  • Miami Vice

    Miami Vice


    Masterpiece, the apotheosis and logical conclusion of Mann’s digital fetish, every frame exists just to be evocative, nothing matters here beyond being immersive, it’s dew point: the movie. 

    The directors cut is objectively a better movie, an actual movie, one that hangs together. But the climactic drug bust/shoot out is drowned in that Nonpoint “in the air tonight” cover, which is odd.

  • Boogie Nights

    Boogie Nights


    He was like 25 and made a whole movie about being high on coke and then coming down super hard. He got Burt Reynolds, and his incredible hair, to be in it. Mark “stay prayed up” Wahlberg is phenomenal in it. 

    It’s wearing a lot of Scorsese and Altman, but it does sing on its own terms. The whiplash shift from humor to horror belongs to Anderson, it’s its own thing.

    Be respectful, this is Rollergirl”

    What’s coming will destroy whatever we have. It’s not good.

Popular reviews

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    The Insider


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