Unreformable Keanu Stan

Unreformable Keanu Stan

Favorite films

  • There Will Be Blood
  • Late Spring
  • The Matrix
  • Marcel the Shell with Shoes On

Recent activity

  • Rain Man


  • White Noise


  • Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

  • Uncut Gems


Recent reviews

  • Rain Man

    Rain Man


    Wow, finally a movie poster where Tom Cruise is the taller of the two leads.

  • White Noise

    White Noise


    Hm. “The Cloud is Coming” landed on my drivin’ bops playlist, and the set pieces cook up their own unique energy, and the Cheadle-Driver-Gerwig gang deserves credit for translating the source novel’s famously idiosyncratic dialog into something with flow and emotional heft. But dude. Gladney and Siskin’s dueling quips were more than just the missing link between Raymond Chandler and David Lynch, they were the ground cover DeLillo laid over a series of subterranean anxieties that suffused the novel but don’t…

Popular reviews

  • God Bless America

    God Bless America

    It's possible that my misanthropy has yet to truly take me over, despite everything both horrifying and annoying that has spooled out in the past, oh, let's say seven or so years. Maybe my visceral dislike for this movie, which intensifies every time it pops into my head, is because some part of me still really believes in humanity. That part of me is tempted to whip out the Captain Picard speech, to insist with every bit of my soul…

  • Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

    Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

    I want to say this is the worst movie I’ve ever seen, but the zero-contrast shadows, epilepsy-inducing light shows, and camera angles so manic I’m convinced the DP was railing amphetamines (because Mickey Mouse drags you out behind the shed and shoots you if you don’t exhibit maximum exuberance while you do his drudge work, don’t cha know) make me wonder if I’ve actually seen this movie at all. Which is just as well, because goddamn, that’s a lot of…
