

All my reviews are poorly written.

Favorite films

  • Phantom of the Paradise
  • Simple Men
  • Walker
  • What Happened Was...

Recent activity

  • Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls


  • The Rare Blue Apes of Cannibal Isle




  • Oh, Canada


Recent reviews

  • Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls

    Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls


    I honestly don't see why this movie isn't a blockbuster immediate cult classic. I do see why, but if you're into bad movies this on-purpose bad movie that has the sense of humor of someone who finds bad movies funny should be right up your alley. But maybe I myself am not that kind of person, so for me it's just nice seeing a different type of nerd then me have fun with making a movie.
    That dream sequence near…

  • The Rare Blue Apes of Cannibal Isle

    The Rare Blue Apes of Cannibal Isle


    The way I felt watching this is how anxiety ridden child me felt about watching every children's show. Confused, terrified, and lost, and completely amazed. The fact that it was made by a sexploitation filmaker and is shot and stars malyasian children certainly helps. watched mainly because on tubi the cover looks like it was made in the photos app on android.

Popular reviews

  • Ferris Bueller's Day Off

    Ferris Bueller's Day Off


    He doesn't even do anything that cool. he dances around a bit in chicago and then goes to a MUSEUM. Where's the MAGIC John Hughes!

  • Good Will Hunting

    Good Will Hunting


    This movie is how autistic people see themselves.