favorites get cycled as i watch movies
only perfect movies show four sexy vampires killing a group of people while “Walk this Way” by Run D.M.C & Aerosmith plays in the background
so i have to be honest, this movie came into my radar super randomly when i came across a Screenrant article talking about how it’s “better” than The Lost Boys and uhhh…i don’t agree. i think both films are excellent and Near Dark should be just as popular. with that being said, onto my review where i’ll try my best not to compare the two too often:
Severen giving Caleb one of his spurs is fucking GAYYYYYYYY, i don’t care…
charles offdensen i've had a crush on you since middle school !!!!
perfect. no notes. I'm so glad Toki got his Deddybear back
i actually have a lot less to say about this than i thought i would. it’s a wonderful homage to classic slashers and you can tell that it was done with that in mind.
the cast was absolutely WONDERFUL, i have nothing negative to say about them and Mia Goth was so so so good in her dual roles.
i do think the movie was a lot less gory than i expected, but it was also a lot funnier than…