
Muddguts Patron

Favorite films

  • The Shining
  • Poltergeist II: The Other Side
  • The Fog
  • Dracula

Recent activity

  • Female Chauvinists


  • Pelvis

  • Chain Gang Women


  • The Hellcats


Recent reviews

  • Female Chauvinists

    Female Chauvinists


    Easily the stupidest adult feature I have ever seen. I really don't know what it was about. The weirdest thing was that it was softcore and then all of a sudden at the 60 minute mark it goes XXX for some reason. It's always good to see Uschi Digard though so there was that. 

    The best moment in the movie is when two people are fucking in a horse stable and damn near get trampled when the horse gets spooked and stomps all over just narrowly missing the couple.

  • Pelvis


    Weird way to end the Dungeon of Andy Milligan box set. It's a film that he was only partially involved in and neither his inserted scenes or ones from the main film were worth my time or a good way finish to the box set. I sat through it just for completion sake.

Popular reviews

  • Mandy



    Pitch black in the house, family asleep in bed, dog curled up beside me, cell phone dead silent, big screen tv, blu-ray and headphones resulted in a glorious viewing experience of a movie that held me spellbound and grateful to be alive and a fan of genre films. 

    Captivating in every way, my fears of being another viewer missing the boat on “Mandy” were put to rest after two hours of visual and audio bliss. I didn’t think I would ever…

  • Wild Riders

    Wild Riders


    All I could think about before I went to bed was "please don't let me die in my sleep and make this piece of garbage the last movie I ever watched".