Nick V.

Nick V. Pro

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Recent reviews

  • Phantom Thread

    Phantom Thread



    "Kiss me, my girl, before I'm sick."

    Third viewing through the 4K Blu-Ray that I recently added to the collection. "Phantom Thread" is a movie that just gets better and better with each viewing. Its toxic romantic relationship between Reynolds and Alma is just so seductive and yet sweet at the same time, I can't help but feel the need to revisit this movie. It's funny, dark, shocking, tense and even awkward to watch but there's also something about…

  • Avatar




    Wow, it's been about 15 years since I remembered seeing "Avatar" for the very first time as a 5-year old kid. All I could remember was how absolutely stunning the visuals were, especially for a big blockbuster action epic that came out in '09. To think that James Cameron has the unique talent of creating some of the best visual effects in the world is a blessing to behold when it comes to filmmakers like him. Look, hate this…

Popular reviews

  • Life of Pi

    Life of Pi



    Life of Pi is a visual experience of filmmaking and storytelling alone to make this a wholly beautiful work of art from visionary director Ang Lee. Beyond Claudio Miranda's gorgeously eye-catching cinematography and lighting of colors that elevate the theater experience when seen in 3D, had I'd been able to watch this movie in theaters for the first time, this is also a look into the main character’s life as a younger version of himself.

    Pi, the main character…

  • Black Swan

    Black Swan


    Darren Aronofsky has crafted a film that left me completely blown-away and shocked with the chaotic experience of watching Black Swan with Natalie Portman. This is easily one of the best psychological thrillers I have ever other movie, has made me feel stressed out, disturbed and emotionally draining since I last saw Aronofsky's last film, Requiem for a Dream, and with Black Swan, he proves that he has an artistic vision that'll get people talking for hours with this…