

I mostly like movies about fancy ladies with lots of swooning

Favorite films

  • All About Eve
  • Sunset Boulevard
  • Letter from an Unknown Woman
  • Elephant

Recent activity

  • Gilda


  • All That Heaven Allows


  • Four Weddings and a Funeral


  • I, Tonya


Recent reviews

  • All That Heaven Allows

    All That Heaven Allows


    Even more than Sirk's other melodramas of the 1950s - with maybe the exception of 'Written on the Wind' - 'All That Heaven Allows' is thought of in auteurist or Marxist terms, mostly because of Fassbinder's more subtle and ultimately very different reimagining of the story in the 70s. Obviously, 'All that Heaven Allows' is a movie about the emptiness of postwar consumption, and the cruelties people do to others and themselves out of fear of social exclusion. The beautiful…

  • Four Weddings and a Funeral

    Four Weddings and a Funeral


    As part of our ongoing (read: constant, but limited to three films) Hugh Grant retrospective, we revisited Four Weddings and a Funeral to confirm once again its charm and total superiority to The Runaway Bride, which I guess I saw at the same time when I was like six because I have trouble differentiating.
    In brief: Kirsten Scott Thomas is almost unbearably chic; the black gown and sort of art-deco seventies-revival jewellery she wears to the third wedding is like…

Popular reviews

  • Children of Men

    Children of Men


    Everyone stops having babies for no rason? It's just not realistic...

  • I, Tonya

    I, Tonya


    fun, but not as fun as it thinks it is...
