Oily Maniac

Oily Maniac

Favorite films

  • Suspiria
  • The Killer
  • Conan the Barbarian
  • Sorcerer

Recent activity

  • Slotherhouse

  • The Mother of Tears

  • X


  • Texas Chainsaw Massacre


Recent reviews

  • Slotherhouse


    Premise could work as a comedy short, but stretched out to a toothless, clawless, 93 minutes it's excruciating.
    This single note, inoffensive, meme comedy is way too bland for my tastes. All the kills are off screen. Sans sloth puppet there's no sfx. Kills are of the lame 'blood splatters on wall' variety.

    Maybe it fits the bill for tween girls at a sleepover?

    This is NOT the Piranha 3d of killer sloth movies

  • The Mother of Tears

    The Mother of Tears

    A sad attempt to finish the Three Mothers Trilogy with what appears to be the budget of an Italian TV movie. IF Argento had some grander cinematic ideas in mind he lacks the means to execute and opts for some nasty gore.

    It's so pathetic compared to Suspiria & Inferno, if doesn't even make me angry, just sad.

Popular reviews

  • Killer Constable

    Killer Constable


    Plays like a spaghetti western wuxia about a constable who would give Judge Dredd a run for his money. Tragedy and double crosses abound!
    Nowhere near as studio bound and stagey as some better known Shaw Bros martial arts films.
    The fighting is mostly visceral and gruesome swordplay.
    Killer Constable delivers the goods.

  • X



    Read the premise. Reframed from watching the trailer, in order to go in cold.

    What a let down. The film looks good and there's some suspense, mounting dread and then....what? There's good shock & gore but so much of this film rings false, it ruined the movie for me. It's 1979 retconned for 2022 audiences.
    X would have been more believable if it was set in the present day with an Air BnB and an OnlyFans shoot.

    *SPOILERS* and old man…