Olympia Timberland Library

Olympia Timberland Library Pro

Favorite films

  • Nickel Boys
  • The Killing Floor
  • Hundreds of Beavers
  • Steamboat Bill, Jr.

Recent activity

  • Final Destination 5

  • The Final Destination

  • Suspiria

  • Final Destination 3

Pinned reviews

  • Dead of Night

    Dead of Night

    HoopTober6.0 #8 of 31

    Click here to see our entire HoopTober list!

    When you work with the public, in an environment that welcomes people together, your life naturally intertwines with those you serve. Hundreds of people walk through the doors of the Olympia library each day for any number of reasons. And many of those people visit us every single day. Albert was a patron I saw almost every day for several years. The same bus dropped him off each…

Recent reviews

  • Final Destination 5

    Final Destination 5

    HoopTober 11

    Full HoopTober List.

    review by Holly

    Let me tell you a story. It began in the year 2000. Some teens tried to cheat death and lost. This kicked off the beginning of a macabre franchise that brought us five movies over an 11-year span (and promises another in 2025). And what joy that franchise has wrought.

    Final Destination 5 jumps right in with a good opening credit sequence and delivers a wild ride from start to finish.…

  • The Final Destination

    The Final Destination

    HoopTober 11

    Full HoopTober List.

    review by Holly

    The Final Destination had some of the best opening credits we’ve seen. It was like a montage of deaths from the earlier movies, and I am all about that. It was fun to reminisce about all of those deaths, and how horrifying they were! It was great.

    I remember going to see this movie in 3D, even though I hadn’t seen any of the previous installments at that point, because I…

Popular reviews

  • Carrie


    HoopTober6.0 #31 of 31

    Click here to see our entire HoopTober list!

    “Carrie” has not lost an ounce of its power since it was released over 43 years ago. If anything, its stature has only grown. If you’ve never seen it, or it’s been awhile, you owe it to yourself to check it out. It’s one of the best movies ever made.

    There are several monsters lurking around Carrie White. There’s Chris, the alpha among the girls in her school,…

  • Housebound


    HoopTober Ocho 1/31

    Our full HoopTober Ocho list

    HoopTober can feel like a marathon, so it’s certainly energizing to get off to a great start. Housebound is one of those horror movies that makes you crave more horror movies. Horror comedies (or as a colleague likes to call them, “ho-coms”) might be the most difficult variety of horror movie to pull off. Unless you balance the tone just right and pitch the performances properly, the attempts at humor almost always…