Pablo Aguilar

Pablo Aguilar Pro

Pre 2018 reviews best ignore lol

Hemingway once wrote, "The world's a fine place and worth fighting for." I agree with the second part.

Favorite films

  • The Truman Show
  • Laurence Anyways
  • Martin (Hache)
  • Detachment

Recent activity

  • Affliction


  • The Delinquents


  • Sons


  • The Accountant


Pinned reviews

  • The Truman Show

    The Truman Show


    I won't even try to write something coherent or objective, the fact that I could finally see it on a big screen, blurs my mind and fills me with tears of joy, an incredibly emotional experience that I'm glad I'd live through it

  • To Leslie

    To Leslie


    There's something about self-destruction that I find so appeal to watch and learn, not in some perverse way, but as an study of the decisions that lead us to the point of self harm us and being completely aware of that.

    Whiting the first hour, "To Leslie" is a complete hell to watch, over and over again we see a human being left to die by his own choices, making the same mistakes on repeat to the point of my…

Recent reviews

  • Affliction



    Good old Pauli really does know how to direct his characters, the evolution of their actions are so powerful that you almost feel empathetic for such an awful human being like Wade, I said almost because immediately after, his past caught on with him and everything goes south, I could almost sense a Travis Bickle ending just to confirm that Schrader likes to end his movies with a bang, but no, it leaves you with a powerful reflection of male violence that's breathtaking, fantastic stuff.

    Jesus freaks and candy asses

  • The Delinquents

    The Delinquents


    Román: va a ser un año divertido

Popular reviews

  • Whisky



    Pocas veces he podido ver tan bien retratada la soledad, la rutina y lo gris que puede llegar a ser una ciudad, cine contemplativo y repetitivo como la vida misma. La película nos hipnotiza, nos deja esa ansiedad por algo que se salga de lo contemporáneo y lo frío de sus personajes, al final, nos volvemos todos parte de la película.

    Disponible en Netflix

  • I Have Electric Dreams

    I Have Electric Dreams


    Entre tanta incomodidad y desagrado que la película transmite de manera tan efectiva, el full circle del arco de Yelina me sacó la misma sonrisa que los personajes y no se como sentirme al respecto, pero fue inevitable.