
Jordan Pro

Favorite films

  • Husbands
  • Metropolitan
  • Diner
  • The Long Goodbye

Recent activity

  • The Phantom Tollbooth


  • A Farmer in Montfaucon


  • Masked and Anonymous


  • Smiley Face


Recent reviews

  • The Phantom Tollbooth

    The Phantom Tollbooth


    Somehow had never seen this one as a kid. Vibe was very Yellow Submarine with Schoolhouse Rock and Tootsie Pop commercials and I love it. So many clever little puns and visual gags. Just a very solid kids flick. The girls were very into "the dog with the clock," and lemme tell you, the toddler pronunciation of that phrase is a doozy.

  • A Farmer in Montfaucon

    A Farmer in Montfaucon


    The part where she takes a pot of coffee out to her husband and the couple of young men helping him fell trees in the woods felt so warm and made me miss my Grandpa.

Popular reviews

  • Emerald


    It's amazing we don't choke given how full of souls the air has become

  • Beuys



    Josef Beuys was a really interesting artist. It's fun to listen to him, to watch what he does, to look through photos of his works. That's why this doc is watchable. It's not, however, better than randomly hopping through Beuys videos on YouTube, or reading his wikipedia page. The documentary doesn't seem to have a thesis beyond "Beuys was strange, he ruffled feathers, he had some personal problems." It's disjointed, doesn't take any firm stances on anything, and is weak stylistically. Good subject, pretty bad movie.