King of bad typing and grammar
Has a dr. pepper addiction
My favorites are films that been on my mind from last month
(apologize for the really fucking shit grammar and spelling)
Before I begin I have to preface that I've never met Elaine before but I have a friend (This bastard go follow him) and he is also friends with her, I'm planning on meeting him soon for a few days and I hope to meet her because I believe she is one of the best and most criminally underrated new voices in LGBT Youth Cinema(I think It's a thing but if not…
Today is May 10th, 2023 at 9:57 PM
It's my birthday and I'm now 20
I spent the whole day watching Stalker, taking a nap, celebrating my birthday with my family eating cake, and watching old home movies
I'm happy
I'm happy to be alive
I'm happy to have a great family and friends
and today I'm happy to have found my new favorite movie
This rewatch solidified this as an all timer for me and how great those dropkicks were gaddamn!!
A true embarrassment to cinema glad that Kubrick is dead
I drove 7 hours to see this movie on the big screen and it was 100,000,000,000,000% worth it.