shhh i'm watching Twin Peaks 🌲
❤️ This month's top four: Weird Girl Valentine's ❤️
Bateman got fucking dental work for this film even though literally no one asked him to it is disrespectful to give this art less than 4 stars
So where in his head did the bees go like the size of his head did not change but like so many goddamn bees went in there
I'm the exact kind of fucked up who this movie was made for (I wanted Veronica and JD to get together somehow, I wanted Victor and Emily to be soulmates in Corpse Bride) and I loved it. Justice for weird tumblr girlies was wrought.
The only problem with buying into the fantasy world sell of "these two are doing awful things but it's fiiiine because everyone in this world is comically awful so we're allowed to root for them like…