This was a fun heist film. Lot of great little character moments left in. Some solid tension. Well shot action and chase stuff. Gerrard Butler gives a surprisingly good performance! Baby Cube nails the accents too.
This was a fun heist film. Lot of great little character moments left in. Some solid tension. Well shot action and chase stuff. Gerrard Butler gives a surprisingly good performance! Baby Cube nails the accents too.
Every synonym of dumb stupid fun at once. Devon Sawa is absolutely delightful and fucking nails the physical acting in the first half.
Super impressed that Foggy Nelson went through all this and still managed to be a successful New York lawyer!
I would also ignore the fact my parents and best friends were dead to make out with Jessica Alba.
Nu-cinematic Universe.
A sharkless farce of a family film failure. JK Simmons is playing so far below his level that it's borderline spousal abuse for his wife to have put him in it.
Fails at basically everything it tries to do, even have a compelling motiveless killer in JK. Also it feels about an hour longer than it is, at barely past 90 minutes, yet still there's like half an hour that should have been cut!
The doctors were roommates, you see!
Delightfully demented 80s schlock with goo, gore, and grotesquery. Luckily overacting hadn't been invented yet, so everyone goes all in - especially Jeffrey Coombs. Effects and sound design went to the wall.
Perfectly accurate portrayal of the graduate life in all aspects.