
Howard Pro

Favorite films

  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • Top Secret!
  • Singin' in the Rain
  • Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter

Recent activity

  • Three on a Meathook

  • Girl with a Straight Razor


  • The Kidnapping of the President

  • Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle


Recent reviews

  • Three on a Meathook

    Three on a Meathook

    At first I assumed this was a Texas Chainsaw ripoff... but it predates it! Both films were made for hardly any cash, with a lot of the same Ed Gein-inspired material, but one was a work of high art, and the other was this movie.

    "You know what happens to you when you get around women... and it must never happen again!"

  • Terrifier



    Some good atmosphere and concepts ruined with mean-spirited torture porn.

Popular reviews

  • Karma



    This SyFy original is sort of a lower-budget less-intense version of "Drag Me To Hell." Everyone feels like real people behaving (mostly) realistically in an increasingly horrific situation.

  • What the Peeper Saw

    What the Peeper Saw


    I did a lot of screaming "WTF" at the screen, all the way to the WTF end.