Pyait Sone Kyi Myint

Pyait Sone Kyi Myint

Your intellect may be confused, but your emotions will never lie to you.

- Roger Ebert

Favorite films

  • The Seventh Continent
  • In the Mood for Love
  • Pulp Fiction
  • The Great Beauty

Recent activity

  • A History of Violence


  • Captain Fantastic


  • No Country for Old Men


  • Léon: The Professional


Recent reviews

  • Kingsman: The Secret Service

    Kingsman: The Secret Service


    How lovely is it to find Republicans kicking the liberals' asses so beautifully?! I like the idea of culling, though. As a friend once said it, "I'm not racist, I hate all races equally."

  • The Hateful Eight

    The Hateful Eight


    Terrifyingly great performance from Jennifer Jason Leigh. And then some.

Popular reviews

  • Frances Ha

    Frances Ha


    One of my friends (he's a snob who reads Proust and a pseudo-intellectual that rates 10 on all C. Nolan movies) said "know for a fact if you see a girl who likes Frances Ha, she's gay". I was prepared to be sceptical and I only watched this movie to hate it because I'm a straight guy and I'm single and I see a lot of 'cool' chicks I like dig Frances Ha. Now I don't know what that wise…

  • Pierrot le Fou

    Pierrot le Fou


    D'you know how people say they cannot begin to describe how mesmerizing an artwork is? Well, I watched this film 2 years ago. Give me 2 more years. At least.
