

Favorite films

  • Moonrise Kingdom
  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  • Midnight in Paris
  • O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Recent activity

  • Duck Soup


  • Hundreds of Beavers


  • The Blues Brothers


  • The Jerk


Recent reviews

  • Duck Soup

    Duck Soup


    Perhaps the best comedy ever made. Movie about how world war 2 is going to start before it starts. Like actually crazy. Don’t think the even knew they were doing that.The Marx brothers are so funny they gained the power of clairvoyance. 

    Showed this to a buddy of mine and really had to work hard to convince him to watch it. He really wasn’t that into it in the beginning, sort of forcing polite chuckles, and then Harpo appeared. Incredible…

  • Hundreds of Beavers

    Hundreds of Beavers


    This shit isn’t it. It is shit! The gist is just that this shithead Director thought to be clever and made a really unfunny movie. Just because you study a few Chaplin films it won’t make you funny. Some people are not funny! That is okay! You don’t have to be funny. But when an unfunny person tries really really hard to be funny it is sort of unbearable to watch. Also I just get the vibe that I wouldn’t…

Popular reviews

  • Unbreakable



    Permanently changed when my dad showed me this. So fun.

  • Eraserhead



    seminal film in the pro choice filmography
