Favorite films
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
I sometimes wonder if whether I would be able to give justice to a movie by writing a movie.
This movie is in that category.
Captures the teenage vulnerability, lack of ability to process the emotions, fear of being left out, fear of not fitting in to popular culture perfectly.
It’s an unsettling experience but an important one.
It reminded me of my teenage and how vulnerable me and my peers were. There was one boy who was feminine, and everybody mocked him for that. I didn’t mock him, but I didn’t go and talk to him either.
I regret it.
शिकायला मुंबईत होतो, मुंबईतून पहिल्यांदा सावंतवाडीला गावी कोकण रेल्वेने जाताना त्रिज्याच्या पहिल्या सीन मध्ये दिसणारं दृश्य पहाटे ६ ला बघितलेलं. तंतोतंत तसच. मनात तेच काहूर, कुठेही फिट न बसणार मन, सतत चलबिचल अंतरंग. हा सिनेमा त्यासाठीच आपला वाटला. प्रत्येक फ्रेम काहीतरी बोलून जाते, क्रांती आणि वरून जाणारी ट्रेन, नदीच्या किनारी झोपलेला असताना बाजूने जाणारी होडी, ह्या सगळ्या फ्रेम्स बऱ्याच गोष्टी सांगून जातात.
Thank you Akshay Sir for making this film. Frames will be forever in my mind.
A film about basic Human emotions metaphorically represented by animals is a treat to watch.