fan of suicide scenes set in egg shell rooms
top 4 movies im thinking about rn
pathetic people are the most beautiful people
this felt like an honest look into what the world of influencing could do to someone. magdalena kolesnik had to carry the film for it to be watchable and she did.
this is really, really slow movie if you're not looking for what it's offering. it asks for your empathy towards a social class many envy or see as detrimental.
theres no truly cataclysmic event that pushes you towards how you should view sylwia. it's just her life.
the ending was a little over the top but something had to happen in the movie.
it's nice to have a friend
m3gan gives the feeling it will be the worst movie of a fun series.
but it feels like if a real identity for who m3gan is can be nailed down, the sky is the limit. space m3gan, time-travel m3gan, president m3gan...
i also think the idea of cady's imprinting on m3gan becoming an important thread could work. but this movie was a little all over the place.
most things it tried to do worked,…
i just wanna hang out
the two lead actors are on comedy fire in this movie. they play off of each other great.
i think the movie works so well because ben stiller knew what he wanted the movie to be. it maintains its dark and free form comedy identity throughout.
the password scene is in the upper echelon of comedy cinema. broderick is criminally underrated.
i liked the ending but it did feel a little too long. I liked the payoff of the background story.
hello dumbshit
what a waste of a movie.
painfully unfunny. **perkins casting himself as the least funny character**
there were no good kills. and even if there was, the cgi was comically terrible.
someone actually wiping their ass and calling it a script would have been a better movie. or at least i would have rather paid to watch them do it.
there was no bailing him out like maika monroe did in longlegs. i hope we are already nearing the end.