
Isaac Patron

Favorite films

  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  • Porco Rosso
  • The Searchers
  • Resident Evil: Retribution

Recent activity

  • The Assessment


  • Snow White


  • Final Destination 5


  • The Final Destination

Recent reviews

  • The Assessment

    The Assessment


    Fortuné displays more control and ambition than most major players in Hollywood, but equal in anxious execution. The boxed in universe is elegant, and a great representation of the dystopian edifice containing our trio. The acting is transformative for Vikander, and Olsen only further proves she's too good for Marvel these days. But Fortuné , and her writers, never quite weds all these ideas of marriage issues, child rearing, and government oversight. It's a good, not great, and wholly unique freshman film.

  • Snow White

    Snow White


    I pity all involved and resent the rest. We live in a culture of suspicion, our imaginers lack dreams, and everyone suffers at the show. Marc Webb must've been drowning in notes, Gadot probably received the wrong advice on villainy, and it's confusing to see a little person acting in the same scene with the CGI mistakes that offend them... allegedly. But Andrew Burnap, that man needs to be in more of everything, preferably in an actual romance with someone…

Popular reviews

  • Am I Racist?

    Am I Racist?


    I was twisted in knots as every interview sent me back to college classes brimming with equal atmosphere. The comedy was hard to enjoy because I’ve seen these conversations, and in rare occasions, been a part of them. Which is why I find the extreme reactions bizarre; it’s not that funny but it’s also incredibly honest about an ideological grip in academia.

  • La Jetée

    La Jetée


    I had some hesitation on account of required viewing for a class, and then...
    The picture leaves a tingling, weighty, haunting impression that leaves me at a loss for words.