

Gut reactions and long form word salads about the movies I watch

Favorite films

  • The Matrix
  • The Silence of the Lambs
  • The Fugitive
  • Whiplash

Recent activity

  • Pusher


  • Juror #2


  • What Lies Beneath


  • Heretic


Recent reviews

  • Pusher



    One of them ones for sure. Raw, gritty, desperate, painful, tragic. Vic deserved better, I’m glad she chose herself.

  • Juror #2

    Juror #2


    Damnnnnnnnnnnn no way!!! Genuinely shocking ending (not in a big twist way but in a matter of fact type way). More movies like this please!!!!!

    Nicholas Hoult is dope. He needs more stuff like this. Toni Collette with another incredible performance. She is truly one of our greats and needs to be respected and seen as such. Also the guy who played “Brody” was amazing as our comic relief. Line deliveries and timing were top tier. Gonna be following his career closely 😎

    Lowkey I’ve lived out this movie as a fantasy several times and it’s pretty cool that I end up getting away with it.

Popular reviews

  • Ms .45

    Ms .45


    A masterpiece of exploitation cinema. Oozing with style and surprisingly poignant with its themes and subject matter. Don’t get this much ambiguity in pictures like this. A couple of scenes will stick with me for a long time I can already tell.

    Viewer beware on the early assault scenes, not super graphic but still entirely unsettling. 

    A perfect musical score. So many dope jams!

    *Only gripe is that they used a trumpet to mime a saxophone in one scene and as a music nerd, that hurt a lot. Everything else was magic.*

  • The Crying Game

    The Crying Game


    Remarkable that a film like this was made 30 years ago. Much less remarkable is Forest Whittaker’s British accent