Rob Daniel

Rob Daniel Pro

Favorite films

  • if....
  • Jaws
  • Mary Poppins
  • Suspiria

Recent activity

  • God Told Me To


  • Breakheart Pass


  • Misery


  • Den of Thieves


Recent reviews

  • God Told Me To

    God Told Me To


    After reading about this film many years ago as a kid, I finally got around to watching Larry Cohen's delirious thriller. In engrossing, quite barmy story of violence and faith, it ain't what I thought it would be. And has a plot twist that, surprisingly, none of those film books I read as a kid revealed.

  • Breakheart Pass

    Breakheart Pass


    A rollicking, fast-paced snowy, train-set Western with Charles Bronson. Solid, efficient excitement, with some impressive practical stunts and effects.

Popular reviews

  • Sicario: Day of the Soldado

    Sicario: Day of the Soldado


    I may be the only person who thought the original Sicario was overrated: a great first hour that lost its way and ended up resembling one of the lesser Bourne films. Sicario 2: Soldado, as it's called in the UK, leans into its genre trappings and is more consistent than its predecessor. Riveting, disturbing and entirely distrustful of government institutions, it's nihilistic, and may appeal to the Trump base for all the wrong reasons. Particularly opening scenes of terrorism on…

  • Essex Boys: Law of Survival

    Essex Boys: Law of Survival

    The striking poster is by far the best thing about this dire addition to the bizarrely popular Essex Boys subgenre. Honestly, these films play out like the grimmest Groundhog Day imaginable.

    Don't be fooled by that artwork though, this is a cheap as chips homemade crime movie, shot on what looks like a c.2005 camcorder. No-one involved knows how to light a scene, so shots rarely cut together. The white balance is often so blown out you'd be forgiven for…