
Rodg_Podg Patron

Favorite films

  • Inception
  • Grosse Pointe Blank
  • Shaun of the Dead
  • My Cousin Vinny

Recent activity

  • Chicken Little

  • Grindhouse


  • Dinosaur


  • Gone with the Wind


Recent reviews

  • Chicken Little

    Chicken Little

    (Watched via 3D Blu-ray.)

    I'd seen this once before on streaming and hadn't been impressed then but with studios recently just disappearing movies with no warning, I decided I'd collect as much as I can. So with that goal in mind I recently added the 3D version of this to my Disney Animation collection and today I dug my 3D glasses out of the mess of tech stuff I haven't finished unpacking so I could watch this giant pile of…

  • Grindhouse



    (Watched via Blu-ray.)

    Absolutely incredible that this throwback to a VERY niche era of cinema got made. Rodriguez and Tarantino cashed in their Kill Bill and Sin City chips to make this audacious love letter to exploitation flicks of years past.

    Robert Rodriguez opens things up with a fake (at the time) trailer for Machete before launching into the schlocky gorefest that is Planet Terror. Then after a short intermission of fake trailers from Rob Zombie, Edgar Wright, and Eli…

Popular reviews

  • Cobweb



    How do I describe this spooky tale? If you ever wanted an extra twisted, bloody Goosebumps story then this is right up your alley.

    It's not a masterpiece of horror but it's creepy and more importantly it's having FUN being creepy! This is perfect for Halloween season viewing and it's honestly pretty good for older kids who feel like getting a little scared.

    On a different note, I knew absolutely nothing about this movie until yesterday. And literally all I…

  • Men in Black

    Men in Black


    (Watched via UHD disc.)

    After scrolling through every possible streaming service looking for something to watch together, my wife said she'd actually been wanting to watch Men in Black recently. Lucky for her we have the 4K! (God I love this woman.)

    This is one of my favorite films from my childhood and has been ever since I first saw it in my hometown theater back in the summer of '97. And like not a nice megaplex hometown theater but…