Roland MD

Roland MD Pro

Favorite films

  • The Outrun
  • The Thin Red Line
  • The Zone of Interest
  • Das Boot

Recent activity

  • The Revenant


  • Drug War


  • Zodiac


  • The Martian


Pinned reviews

  • The Outrun

    The Outrun


    Wow, what a breathtakingly beautiful film. Seeing this as a recovering addict (13 years clean and sober), I could relate to many things of the madness and sadness of addiction and to the beauty of life in recovery. And Saoirse Ronan is incredible. I have found my new favorite film…

Recent reviews

  • The Revenant

    The Revenant


    The Revenant is a cold, brutal and violent revenge story. It’s set in beautiful winter landscapes, was entirely shot with only the natural available light and is scored with a haunting soundtrack by Alva Noto and Ryuichi Sakamoto. Add Leonardo diCaprio’s Oscar winning performance to this and I got myself another great rewatch.

  • Drug War

    Drug War


    Drug War is a fast paced crime thriller with not a single dull moment. After 1,5 hour of tense storytelling and excellent action sequences, you are gifted an epic and violent 20 minute climax. Highly recommended!

Popular reviews

  • Zodiac



    What a fantastic slow burning masterpiece. Although the runtime is more than 2,5 hours, the story never feels slow or uninteresting. I need to rewatch way more of these (hidden) cinema gems from the zeros.

  • Blue Ruin

    Blue Ruin


    After watching Jeremy Saulnier’s Rebel Ridge, I knew had to rewatch one of his older films, Blue Ruin.

    And it’s funny who sometimes a rewatch can feel like a first watch. From minute one, you join Dwight on his violent quest for revenge after the man that killed his parents is set free from prison. What unfolds is an unpredictable suspense thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat till the last minute. 

    (Note: mentioned in a lot of the Blue Ruin reviews as a similar film ánd now added to my watchlist: the 1984 Coen Brothers debut film Blood Simple)