Here’s a recipe for this movie
1/2 Resident Evil
1/4 A lifetime movie about someone diagnosed with ALS
1/4 Sicario 2: Day of the Soldado
Stir and let simmer for 84 minutes, the final dish will be perfectly satisfying but not spectacular
For a movie about magic it sure was drab. I’ll give it some credit for at least being entertaining but I really didn’t love anything about it. There’s two or three big twists that the entire movie hinges on, and frankly they’re lame. I’m not gonna call Christopher Nolan a VFX merchant because Memento exists but when there’s not a decent script or good visuals his movies do not work for me.
One of the most profoundly boring experiences of my life. If it weren’t for some incredible camera work I would’ve turned this off much sooner. You can say I just don’t get the appeal of Tarkovsky but Stalker and especially Solaris are two of my favorite films. I do not have the Soviet history knowledge nor the knowledge of Tarkovsky himself to digest Soviet The Fabelmans easily.
I will say that this was the best looking of his three films…