

the first thing that comes to my head after watching...

Favorite films

  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  • Cool Hand Luke
  • This Is Spinal Tap
  • Kelly's Heroes

Recent activity

  • Dog Day Afternoon


  • Superman


  • The Royal Tenenbaums


  • Hoosiers


Recent reviews

  • Dog Day Afternoon

    Dog Day Afternoon


    If the system is rotten and the people are craving for a new hero, even a rabid dog can have his day of glory. Even if it’s short and very miserable.

  • Superman



    If an alien, let’s say from planet Krypton, will come to earth, let’s say to the USA, and watch this Superman movie, I think he would take the first bus back home. Even if his planet is no longer there. Better to die in empty space, he will tell his dear folks.

Popular reviews

  • The Last of the Mohicans

    The Last of the Mohicans


    The Last of the Mohicans killed himself because he couldn't suffer hearing that damning theme that followed him around one more time.

  • Scarecrow



    That scene when they were munching on them colonel’s fried chickens while contemplating car washing business must be the best scene in the history of cinema cuisine. These what real meals and dreams are made of.
