Rui Botas

Rui Botas

"But isn't everything we do in life a way to be loved a little more?"
Damien Chazelle & Wes Anderson & Richard Linklater stan account

Favorite films

  • Before Sunrise
  • La La Land
  • Cinema Paradiso
  • The Worst Person in the World

Recent activity

  • Barton Fink


  • Somewhere In Between


  • Tangerine


  • Next Goal Wins


Recent reviews

  • Barton Fink

    Barton Fink


    seeing this as someone who wants to be a screenwriter is self-destructing. However, to see Turturro on this after seeing Severance is a bless, such an exquisite actor, love him

  • Somewhere In Between

    Somewhere In Between


    Very interesting short film with a storyline, acting and directing that surprised me a lot. Do not know if it makes sense to do a feature of this since i think the lenght is perfect but still would watch it.

Popular reviews

  • José & Pilar

    José & Pilar


    Proud to have the same nationality as Saramago. One of the best documentaries I have seen and I have my heart so warm right now, what a beautiful love he shares with Pilar.
    E agora em português, a língua mais bela do mundo, a precariedade do tempo representada nesta obra, demonstra a importância que esta possui na vida de todos nós e relembra que sempre nos deveremos guiar pelas palavras desta figura ilustre, de que "não tenhamos pressa mas que não percamos tempo" ❤️

  • American History X

    American History X


    I am out of words after watching this. I had this movie on my watchlist from a long time ago and i should have watch it a long time ago too... One of the best performances ever from Edward Norton, he is really top tier and he elevates all the movie on his back. I knew that I recognize the way of directing from somewhere, so I look up and discover that Tony directed Detachment, a movie that I couldn't…
