"In one slightly hallucinatory moment, I had the impression that I spoke Japanese." — Chris Marker, Sans Soleil
"I'm turning Japanese, I think I'm turning Japanese." — McG, Akihabara Majokko Princess
"In one slightly hallucinatory moment, I had the impression that I spoke Japanese." — Chris Marker, Sans Soleil
"I'm turning Japanese, I think I'm turning Japanese." — McG, Akihabara Majokko Princess
boasts one of the most sensitive images in recent film when dead-inside man walking tori matsuzaka weeps in unworthiness before idol aya matsuura who is revealed to him through a dvd providentially falling into his lap. it's her numinously genki charism which raises him from the slow, painful death of infinite loserdom and carries him into the harmonious company of men whose fraternity and shared unconditional devotion toward something greater is able to sublimate him, wretch that he was, into…
like so many other fan fiction authors, tariq nasheed is spending a worrying amount of money commissioning yaoi art of his original characters