Europhoria but sub out zendaya for barny koegeogan.
not the part where it's giving.
and try and say it isn't.
This movie 3 stars but the franchise as a whole is 3.5. A lot of you have been in my comment section asking me to rank them so from best to worst it goes 4, 1, 3, 5, 2. Happy thanksgiving.
This best movie ever made. This is my favorite movie. So much so that I consider this movie to be an outlier, reaching an enormous distance away from whatever my 2nd favorite movie is. Here is why:
1. The title "I Love You, Man" is the best thing a guy could say to another guy. The title alone puts this movie ahead of most.
2. The cast represents the finished puzzle moviemakers have been trying to build since the beginning.…
huge bummer but i liked the 3 beggars thing. Not the most appropriate movie to watch while housing an entire pizza parlano but what can you do?