

thou shalt rejoice, for I am a Jack Nicholson enjoyer

Favorite films

  • Trainspotting
  • Down by Law
  • The Big Short
  • Apocalypse Now

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  • Vice


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Recent reviews

  • Vice



    I love this film a lot, and since there is a very clearly set argument about why this film is bad/a waste/dumb, I’m trying to deconstruct that thought. A huge critique of Vice comes from its lack of seriousness. Despite being a McKay film, and despite the actual events lending themselves to extreme amounts of tragic comedy, this film was expected to take itself more seriously than it does. 

    It really shouldn’t. You’re talking about a bunch of old gen…

  • Pulp Fiction

    Pulp Fiction


    You know those classics that you get where people are coming from, the feeling of timelessness is palpable, but the film does very few to no things to you? That’s my relationship with Tarantino in general, especially when not shielded by stories inspired by potent historical events. Sorry :(

Popular reviews

  • Chungking Express

    Chungking Express


    Slowly and steadily grasping the greatness of Wong Kar Wai. It’s hard to ignore all the wonder in my head while watching the films. I’m convinced he can make the last hellhole alley in Tartarus feel like the most vibrant and atmospheric setting, let alone the backdrop of 1990s Hong Kong. 

    I like getting to know the circumstances around the handover through this lens. It makes a bit less sense, but it really doesn’t have to.

    I’m also growing…

  • Oldboy



    What in the immediate family lovin FUCK is this movie??????????

    Arguably the greatest lead in any movie this sad and disgusted pair of eyes have seen
