Sam Robertus

Sam Robertus Pro

It’s interesting, the movies

Favorite films

  • Arrival
  • Children of Men
  • The Social Network
  • Inside Llewyn Davis

Recent activity

  • The Thin Blue Line


  • Song to Song


  • Knight of Cups


  • To the Wonder


Recent reviews

  • The Thin Blue Line

    The Thin Blue Line


    Incredible to see that the true-crime formula for documentary filmmaking really hasn't changed much since its inception over 35 years ago. Moral quandaries of the genre aside, this holds up remarkably well, reaching heights that very few true-crime docs manage to come remotely close to. The reenactment portions of any film like this tend to be my least favorite aspects, and the ones here do become repetitive, but they're not disrespectful or irritating. Fantastic example of focused, tight, factual storytelling that builds up interest and tension without losing sight of the ultimate goal of the film.

  • Song to Song

    Song to Song


    Tedious retread of ideas that Malick already explored more effectively in previous works. One of the longest two-hour films I've ever seen, as it starts out unfocused and contrived and only increases in those qualities as the film wears on. At least this movie looks good and has tons of actors that I love in it, but even that feels like more of a waste of talent than anything positive. Here's to hoping that A Hidden Life delivers on the…

Popular reviews

  • Uncut Gems

    Uncut Gems


    Uncut Gems is, unsurprisingly, a highly rewatchable film. The thrill ride of this movie was even more intense for me the second time around, as I was able to better understand the stakes. This is truly one of the most stress-inducing films I’ve ever seen and I think a lot of that has to do with the sound design. The fact that several people are always talking at once and the disruptive sound effects and score contribute to a sense…

  • The Thin Red Line

    The Thin Red Line


    Unlike any war movie I've seen. I'd love to see this at a large-format theater one day, but it was still magnificent at home. The internalized narration that Malick established with his first two films applies beautifully to the World War II setting, allowing for an introspective and philosophical experience for the audience. One of the many images from this movie I can't get out of my head is the shots of soldiers from below, with the frame partially obscured by bright green grass, and mayhem and bloodshed above it.

    "Do you imagine your suffering will be any less because you loved goodness and truth?"