
Schaebsi Patron

Favorite films

  • Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters
  • The Fire Within
  • Carol
  • Yi Yi

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • Dream of Light


  • Grand Illusion


  • Anticipation of the Night


Recent reviews

  • Married to the Mob

    Married to the Mob


    Übelste "try-not-to-cringe" challenge seit Jahren, aber auch kinda iconic wenn man mit den richtigen Erwartungen reingeht

    Stell dir vor du bist Matthew Modine und hast das doppelte Pech Amerikaner zu sein UND dabei auch noch britisch af auszusehen. Ihn Pfeiffer gegenüberzustellen war absolut eine Verletzung der Genfer Konventionen

  • Comrades, Almost a Love Story

    Comrades, Almost a Love Story


    Sanft spielt das Piano während mein Boy Lai Siu mit einem Lächeln einem armen kleinen Jungen den Basketball klaut und in Slow-Mo auf ihn dunkt, wie Donkey Kong, wenn er meinen Cloud in Smash in die Ewigen wegkatapultiert.

Popular reviews

  • Looking for an Angel

    Looking for an Angel


    Lofi 'shoegaze' queer movie that is just further proof of the fact that no matter how carefully arranged the frames of a well-funded arthouse/independent movie are, the blue tint of even the shittiest SD camera will move me more than anything else.

  • In Flames

    In Flames


    For an NRP like me (if that abbreviation even exists and if I can even call myself Pakistani), this movie plays out like an assembly of pitfalls and mistakes that may arise if you in any shape or form are influenced by Western cinematic sensibilities while exploring bleak and urgent topics in that other culture from which you were separated into the diaspora.

    Now I know that the director spent his childhood in Karachi, having emigrated only at the age…
