

Writer/ Director/ Editor

Based in Cairo

Favorite films

  • It Must Be Heaven
  • Moonlight
  • You Were Never Really Here
  • Speed Racer

Recent activity

  • Speed Racer


  • Speed Racer


  • Much Ado About Nothing


  • Warrior


Recent reviews

  • Speed Racer

    Speed Racer


    This film reminded me of why _this_ is important.

    A movie trashed and misunderstood in the time of its release, something the Wachowskis knew was going to happen, something they didn't care about, two filmmakers so in-tune and empathetic to audiences but also smart enough to realize that the market trend and the monotonous filmmaking sensibility of 2008 of "darker, grittier, american imperialist conglomerate" filmmaking that is _in style_ meant that their opus, this film, was going to crash out,…

  • Speed Racer

    Speed Racer


    I have a lot to say about this film, but for now, as with any film that gets my heart racing above 160 its an automatic 5.

Popular reviews

  • Emilia Pérez

    Emilia Pérez


    Let me breakdown what the language of cinema and semiotic- material analysis says about this film, really. In the end we must believe cinema will still hold truth somewhere in the output.

    The sub-conscious colonizer reeks from the white, neoliberal makers of this product.

    Simply put: 

    Emilia, pre-op: killer, gangster, drug cartel leader.

    (Transitions and lays low in tel aviv of all places lmao)

    Emilia, post-op: saint, unveils the sins she caused 4 years before and is somehow a hero…

  • Deadpool & Wolverine

    Deadpool & Wolverine


    The movie at some point in the third act addresses its own hokey nonesense multiverse bullshit as overplayed. It also takes place around 70% in the literal trashcan of IPs and expects me to give it credit? For being smart enough to know its bad? It looks like shit, the dialogue is shit, the humor is dog shit the action is weightless garbage, the score is horrendous, the plot is abysmal, it’s not even fun i wish it was fun…
