
shanek909 Pro

Favorite films

  • Mission: Impossible – Fallout
  • Moneyball
  • Spirited Away
  • Fail Safe

Recent activity

  • Marriage Story


  • Mulholland Drive


  • Runaway Jury


  • Robbie Williams

Recent reviews

  • Runaway Jury

    Runaway Jury


    Back when computers were cool and typing and zooming was a hardcore extreme activity and shot as such.

    Fast paced and a lot of fun. Trickery and a fun twist with Cusacks character. For the most part this sets you up for the traditional 12 Angry Men type trial and jury deliberation which it doesn’t really dig into enough or deliver on. It doesn’t answer one of the most interesting questions it asks which is how Cusack has the ability to sway a jury.

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    Looks pretty bad and runs any good gags it has into the ground in the first half. Inexcusably long. A watered down Avatar/Arrival type thing that isn’t funny enough to compensate for its lack of scale. 

    Hard to make me interested in a forced labour body double themed film when Severance is running simultaneously. 

    Best bit of this is that I was convinced Pattinsons voice sounded like a pitched up Michael Douglas impression

Popular reviews

  • The Brutalist

    The Brutalist


    Some great stuff in here but falls flat at the end with a ridiculous hysterical ending. The focus is shifted entirely onto Guy Pierce as he’s the one to disappear and then needs to tack on an epilogue to give Lazlos story a conclusion. Lazlo packing up and moving to Israel with his wife would probably be a more coherent ending and it’s not ruled out that he doesn’t. Guy Pierce doesn’t need a big reveal that he’s a villain,…

  • Conclave



    I hosted a radio show called “the inner workings of the clown company” this is kinda what I was referring to. 

    Really void of anything meaningful to say. Ending is stupid and wildly out of place. 8 year old “and it was all a dream😦” ending that doesn’t add any new context to anything that was shown before it.