Garry Llewellyn

Garry Llewellyn

Favorite films

  • Titanic
  • Crimson Tide
  • Phone Booth
  • Top Gun: Maverick

Recent activity

  • Dracula


  • Christmas Harmony


  • Once Upon a Lifetime


  • Into the Spotlight


Recent reviews

  • Dracula



    Universal considers Dracula as its crown in its archive, and it’s easy to understand why. This is a film that pushed boundaries of what audiences would consider acceptable (a lot of horror is actual off the screen, leading audiences to imagine the horror rather than watch it). It pushed the company’s finances to the brink and created a whole new subgenre in the process.

    Although Carl Laemmle Jr oversaw Stoker’s story cut to the bare bones. Reworking the play into…

  • Christmas Harmony

    Christmas Harmony


    Our Review of Christmas Harmony is now live on the site

    Mini review
    Overall, this is an enjoyable enough Independent Christmas holiday movie, the production is good, sound quality is great, and the visuals look spot on. It's just a shame that the treatment of Harmony hindered my overall enjoyment of an otherwise, well-crafted film. Full review:-

Popular reviews

  • Tenet



    There are several directors whose work I admire, and several more whose heads I would love to just go and sit in for a day, just to observe their thought processes. Stanley Kubrick for his Space Odyssey, The ‘Bayhem’ going on in Michael Bay’s mind, James Cameron’s excessive attention to detail and Christopher Nolan’s Nolanised view of the world. With that in mind I cranked up the cinema and sat down to watch Nolan’s timey wimey action thriller ‘Tenet’


  • Ghostbusters: Afterlife

    Ghostbusters: Afterlife


    Reitman has not created just another Ghostbusters film, this is amazingly thought-out love letter to his father, original cast and fans. What I like about this is that you can tell he has really considered how to move the franchise forward. Providing much needed experience to first time cast members and creatives such as the composer.

    Afterlife may suffer from some pacing issues, and lean in heavily on Spielberg style for inspiration, and have a slightly annoying score, but these…