

I don't even like films.

Favorite films

  • Drive
  • A Hole in My Heart
  • Daisies
  • Bully

Recent activity

  • This Is the Tom Green Documentary

  • Horror in the High Desert 2: Minerva

  • Howard’s Mill

  • Dark Water

Recent reviews

  • Predators of the Wild: Wolf

    Predators of the Wild: Wolf

    Reviewing this just because I'm the first person to log this film on Letterboxd. You can watch it here on YouTube, where it has about 12k views:

    There's very little to say, it's nature doc about Wolves being hunted to near extinction in Spain. The film generally makes you feel quite bad for the Wolves who need to eat other animals to survive but humans, who also eat other animals, kill them to stop eating the animals we want…

  • O. Unilateralis

    O. Unilateralis

    O. Unilateralis has an enigmatic reputation, mentioned on found footage and horror forums by a lot people who have heard it’s great and desperately want to see it but not many people who have. Co-Director, Michelle Nessk, has built a niche cult legend around the film, showing it only at select events and de-privatising the YouTube upload once a year for anybody who has made a $25 donation to charity. It is with this hype in mind that myself and…