Didn't stick the landing imo. Movie got too ambitious (& subsequently too convoluted) for its own good in the final stretch.
At the very least worth a rewatch at some point, but that's not gonna be for a good while.
Didn't stick the landing imo. Movie got too ambitious (& subsequently too convoluted) for its own good in the final stretch.
At the very least worth a rewatch at some point, but that's not gonna be for a good while.
Can't remember how this landed on my radar... and sincerely wish it hadn't.
To even call this shlock 'bad art house' is being far too kind.
Went in with low expectations and still left entirely underwhelmed.
Derivative (nearly to the point of plagiarism) of It Follows & The Ring (among others), main difference being those 2 far-superior films masterfully cultivate the pervading sense of dread that Smile fails miserably at achieving.
Instead, it relies solely on jump scares (to a near-annoying degree) to sustain the 115 min runtime. Would Smile have been a better movie if cut down to a tight 90? Maybe... but probably not.
I'm no stranger to disturbing films, but damn... this one hits hard.
Slow-burn dial twist ratcheting up the tension until reaching a truly horrific climax. Been a long time since I've seen a film that left such bad feels in its wake.
Hard to give praise to such a brutal affair, but there's no denying the precision in its execution.
For better or worse Speak No Evil is now seared into my brain & earned itself a high rank on the "feel-bad movies of all-time" list.