
somewords Patron

I love most movies because I love movies.

Favorite films

  • Hapax Legomena I: Nostalgia
  • Wayne's World
  • 45365
  • A Matter of Life and Death

Recent activity

  • Redline


  • The Electric State


  • Autour de Jeanne Dielman


  • Le 15/8


Recent reviews

  • Redline



    no notes

  • Autour de Jeanne Dielman

    Autour de Jeanne Dielman


    Remarkable making-of documentary for JEANNE DIELMAN...; like the film it covers, this is a series of long takes covering the miserable minutiae of filmmaking. At times, like when Delphine Seyrig is demanding more of the 24-year-old Akerman, there is palpable drama; but my favorite moments were the team working through the physical practicalities of the scenes, as well as various crew members offering their own lived-in opinions about how to make meat loaf or how to make a bed. Akerman was involved in the edit + release of this film in the early 2000s; that unique distance - and stylistic consistency - make this indispensable.

Popular reviews

  • Old Boyfriends

    Old Boyfriends


    Prior to a screening of this at UCLA, author Maya Montañez Smukler (who has a new book, LIBERATING HOLLYWOOD, about women filmmakers in the 1970s) offered the unbelievable stat that in the entire decade only sixteen women directed a feature film. That's as stark a fact about the dearth of female filmmakers I think I've ever heard.

    There are more "facts" about women filmmakers in the opening credits of OLD BOYFRIENDS, too. Joan Tewkesbury only, I dunno, wrote the single-best…

  • The Leisure Class

    The Leisure Class


    I loved Project Greenlight this year, in many of the same ways I wrote about in my ME AND EARL review a few days ago: as much as I disliked Jason Mann As Presented On Project Greenlight, as a sometime filmmaker myself I saw him going through the exact struggles I have faced. As the show wore on, these were less moments like "There's not enough money for film" etc., but the deeper ones. The moment on the show that…