
sonicnadeau Pro

Favorite films

  • La Jetée
  • Videodrome
  • American Ninja 2: The Confrontation
  • Johnny Mnemonic

Recent activity

  • The Spook Who Sat by the Door


  • Pacific Heights


  • La Jetée


  • Revenge of the Ninja


Recent reviews

  • The Spook Who Sat by the Door

    The Spook Who Sat by the Door


    incredible score and i loved the frenetic pacing of the action. "you're here to protect property, not people"

  • Pacific Heights

    Pacific Heights


    i liked the arty shot of face mash against the glass brick wall but overall not paying off the monkey in any way was dereliction of duty of the highest order. and who were the 2 folks playing guitar on the roof as credits rolled??

Popular reviews

  • Revenge of the Ninja

    Revenge of the Ninja


    ive heard people dont believe the viability of the storefront art doll business model but in my city right now there is a store that just sells the little ducks to put on your jeep, so think about that the next time you question business plans in a cannon film.

  • Sorcerer



    i was screaming and hooting the entire time! what a picture! i was in disbelief at the visuals they pulled off. so many unexpected gasps from me as well. thanks to all for this masterpiece.
