Ernie Turpin

Ernie Turpin Patron

Humor. Skill. Wit. Sex appeal. That order.

Favorite films

  • Girlfriends
  • Lost in Translation
  • Cléo from 5 to 7
  • A New Leaf

Recent activity

  • Charlie Chan's Secret


  • Charlie Chan at the Olympics


  • Charlie Chan at the Opera


  • Charlie Chan at the Race Track


Recent reviews

  • Charlie Chan's Secret

    Charlie Chan's Secret


    I’m a sucker for 70-minute 1930s detective movies, and I’m a sucker for haunted house murder mysteries, so this was catnip for me.

    Bonus: there’s actually a whitey playing the dopey butler, which would seem progressive if it were nearly any other damn franchise.

  • Charlie Chan at the Circus

    Charlie Chan at the Circus


    Circuses, trains, guys in gorilla suits, guys in drag, this one’s a fuckin’ hoot.

Popular reviews

  • Dirty Work

    Dirty Work


    “I’m no doctor, but I’m pretty sure if you die, the cancer also dies at exactly the same time. So that, to me, is not a loss. That’s a draw.”

    RIP Norm

  • Top Gun: Maverick

    Top Gun: Maverick


    I went into this being heavily burned out on movies. Cinema is my favorite hobby by far, so burnout is an awful feeling.

    I have no idea what prompted me to watch this, because I’m not a Tom Cruise fan. I was born too late to have any sort of appreciation for the original Top Gun in its time, and I didn’t even bother to watch it until last summer. I’m not overly fond of it, but I appreciate it as…