Dark world was too serious,ragnarok is too silly the original got the balance between the two just right
I know a lot of people love it but I think it’s nowhere near as good as the first film
Dark world was too serious,ragnarok is too silly the original got the balance between the two just right
I know a lot of people love it but I think it’s nowhere near as good as the first film
An absolute highlight of the MCU, the mix of superhero and teen movie is spot on and Tom Holland is great in the lead role as are the whole supporting cast (Jacob Batalon as Ned is a personal favourite)
It’s certainly the most fun marvel movie and the soundtrack is timeless but it doesn’t 100% hold up on rewatch for me
This just doesn’t work
With all the changes they have made why didn’t they change the hair and costumes that work in an animated film but not a live action? Zegler’s hair looks ridiculously old fashioned and out of time and Gadot’s costume only shows her face (does she even have hair under it?)
The Dwarves just look weird and distracting and the fact that their names are their personalities only highlights the poor characterisations of them
Rachel Zegler does…