Jake Ladue

Jake Ladue Pro

Watch as a man with no knowledge on the aspects of filmmaking generously overrates every movie he sees.

Favorite films

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Star Wars
  • Parasite
  • Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

Recent activity

  • X-Men: First Class




  • Bottle Rocket


  • Ginger & Rosa


Recent reviews

  • X-Men: First Class

    X-Men: First Class


    I was really hoping to be blown away by this, but in the end it was just your bog standard superhero film. Michael Fassbender was the highlight overall, and each of these movies just keep reminding me how Magneto is always right. I also don't understand how Beast looks so god awful in this movie when he turns blue, when he looked INCREDIBLE in The Last Stand. It may seem I have more complaints than compliments, but it just didn't capture the magic that I feel the original X-Men trilogy of films did. Still a fun watch, though.




    I rewatched this while waiting for my laundry to dry, and I still have no idea what's going on. RIP David Lynch, you were taken from us to soon. :/

Popular reviews

  • Barking Dogs Never Bite

    Barking Dogs Never Bite


    This movie proves that Bong Joon Ho has just had what it takes to craft incredible films straight from the get go. This one is admittedly a bit of a trip. It's very funny but in a grotesque way, and the soundtrack is so damn jazzy that it makes me kind of sad that none of Bong's other movies have a similar score. I will warn you that if you are a dog person or have a weak stomach then you should definitely avoid this movie. If not however, this bad boy is on Tubi so you don't have to pay Jack to watch it.

  • Star Wars

    Star Wars


    What can I say about this masterpiece that hasn't already been said? This is probably my favorite in the whole franchise, and it's amazing how right they were able to get everything on their first try. It still captivates me over 20 years after the first time I saw it.
