

Reviews drafted furiously, unthinkingly.

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  • Black Bag


  • Adaptation.


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Recent reviews

  • Black Bag

    Black Bag


    Suave not sexy; not incredibly suspenseful, and doesn't quite manage to modernise the genre in the way it hopes. Admired the absence of cutaway collars very much.

  • Adaptation.



    Near faultless from a technical pov but the wink of writerly showmanship hobbles any kind of pathos that would've made a movie like this enjoyable.

Popular reviews

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    A Different Man


    Like a bribed boxer, A Different Man is yet another A24 movie released in 2024 that promises the (un)familiar hook but hasn't the backing nor the balls to finish you off.

    This just doesn't know what it wants to say, or even be, really. The concept alone is the engine powering the first act, and the relationship between Edward and Ingrid is interesting, but as the threads of the sub plot dovetail into the main, the doppelganger arc offers nothing…

  • Speak No Evil

    Speak No Evil


    SNE really does wonders holding you between grin and grimace for just shy of two hours. A true ensemble cast rallies around McAvoy, who accents the edges of his sermonising, cider-guzzling misogynist, Paddy, sublimely. The plot is paceful but not rushed, the dialogue natural and never overwrought, funny moments are managed with a fine touch, and I liked how little emphasis was put on the American / English cultural disconnect. Oh, and the soundtrack's fantastic, v much hoping for a vinyl release with the hill screaming sequence serving as an interlude. Speak No Evil? I was never gonna.