I like movies
(4 Favorites are the 4 most recent 9s or 10s just to keep a fun rotation)
Something magic happens everytime John Carney makes a movie. They're always fantastic off-beat comedy dramas that make you laugh and pull at your heart. He writes exclusively bangers for all the music as well. Great Irish movie for St. Patrick's Day!
While the dialogue is almost painfully generic, the effects are awesome, and they have aged really really well. The world and action are sick and I am unashamed to have had a really fun time watching this movie even if it was predictable.
While not Bong Joon Ho's best work, it is still great. Far more Okja than it is Parasite and that is not a bad thing. Pattinson is excellent in this as he continues to prove how talented he is and how much of a mistake Twighlight was. This movie is fun with a lot of heart and an original sc-fi world. The satire is obvious, but it works and has some really funny moments. He continues to be an incredibly unique and versatile filmmaker.
A lot of huge positives and a few small gripes. The good is that this movie was not the rehash of the original that I feared it would be and that it is an absolute spectacle of a movie. I truly don't think there is another director that can craft huge epic set pieces the way that Ridley can. The huge moments are spectacular. However the issue I have is very similar to the issue I had with Napoleon. The…