A slickly made and written, very entertaining, and awesomely cast le Carre style spy thriller that’s already starting to slip from my mind a bit 90 minutes after ending.
7.5 B+
The parts of the movie with Tom Hardy acting against himself as Venom are again pretty delightful, I was genuinely affected by the ending, and the surprising amount of time we spend with Rhys Ifans’ hippy family actually kinda worked for me, but this movie is weighed down by an interminable CGI gloop action climax and some of the worst exposition I’ve ever seen in a major studio production.*
I also simply do not buy Juno Temple as an American,…
After fifteen years and at least a dozen viewings, it still gives me chills.
10 A+
The Brutalist is novelistic in a way that’s become unfashionable in American films; things happen, and people talk, in a way that is supposed to Mean Something. Subtext, ambiguity, metaphor, if you’re looking for a literary device you’ve come to the right place.
And if you’re looking for an entertaining film you’ve also come to the right place…mostly. There is some real bravura capital F filmmaking on display here throughout the film,* though I did think there was a slight…