My honest opinions 🫢
I write decent length, thought out reviews of films :) 📺
A slow burning, tragic tale which stands out for its subtlety and exceptional foreshadowing. You expect something bad to happen at some point to the Dad or Daughter, that is obvious, but so many different hints are given you are left without knowing until quite late in the film who, how and what this will be - which I liked. Didn’t quite get that emotional sucker-punch moment I expected, not a tear was shed with this one, but it was…
This is a very hard film for me to rate and review. It was like nothing I’ve seen before. The film is taken from almost a ‘fly on the wall’ perspective with no true following of characters or their plot lines. A well-to-do Nazi family of the Commander for Aushwitz is observed in their day-to-day life, living on the outskirts of the camp. Only the camp wall separates their home and garden from
the horrors of inside which the director…
Twilight is a complete and tidy teenage fantasy which delivers the plot from the books with good direction and acting. The film also seems to avoid cliche and cringy writing so commonly encountered in similar American teen films from the noughties, which was a relief. The film would have benefited from more visceral and graphic scenes of vampire encounters, as I feel this is a currently unfilled gap in the fantasy/horror genre - although I understand this film had to…